Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bob (Before and After)

Each Tuesday I will highlight one Pray It Off (PIO) group member's weight loss journey. The first "volunteer" is my beloved husband Bob.

If you follow this blog, or belong to the Pray It Off group, you know how it came to pass that Bob joined. (I excitedly told him that our parish, Holy Family, approved the concept and that I already had my first member. When he (also excitedly) asked, "Who," I replied, "YOU!")

Have you ever noticed that so many see weight issues as a woman's thing? Over the five years I attended weekly Weight Watchers meetings (not to mention the myriad of other times I was in a WW group) there was always one or maybe two men who came. When I started Pray It Off, I truly wanted to make its tenets "sex proof". Eat less, move more and pray are not activities that are limited to women.

My husband Bob works in the construction industry. He has always, physically, worked hard each day and walked maybe 5-6 miles at the job sites he's been on BUT when he quit smoking and started to get older, the pounds came; not all over his body but mainly to his midsection. This type of weight gain, which many men suffer from, is dangerous. In his late 40's he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and sleep apnea. He was one step away from the nightly oxygen tank when he joined PIO.

Now Bob has lost almost 60 pounds. His blood pressure is normal. His cholesterol perfect. He no longer has sleep apnea.

After my presentation each week, there are small group discussions on the topic I reviewed. Initially Bob was not a fan of the idea. He told me he would just sit there. He said there was no way he was going to discuss his "problems" with a group of strangers.

After, a few weeks, I noticed Bob looking forward to the Thursday night meetings. He told me he loved his small group. Now he is even one of the table leaders. He considers his PIO mates his friends; he trusts and appreciates them.

Bob will tell, anyone who will listen, that PIO has helped him physically but, more importantly, spiritually as well.

As the group facilitator, I say, "Amen to that."

As his wife I say, "AMEN, Hallelujah and Thank You, Jesus!!"


  1. Hey El - Just got home from the hospital; can't wait to read this blog and catch up on yesterday's; will do it later - - promise. I really love ur blogs. I look forward to reading them every day. God bless you. Luv ya, Char

  2. What a smile Bob! Sorry I missed this when it first posted. This smile tells how proud you are. We know how proud Ellen is. Do we get another "Amen" Ellen? :)Judy&Bob
