Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Stilled in Astonishment"

Yesterday, I was hustling to St. Camillus, where my 57 year old sister, Cathy, has lived for almost 12 years suffering with dibilitating MS, to feed her breakfast. As the garage door started up, a sound hit and momentarily stunned me. I slowly walked to the driveway and gazed to the sky. There they were; the geese returning. As I listened, "stilled in astonishment", the tears began.

I love life. How good is God to give us the beauty of this world? My favorite author is Dean Koontz. Many see him as a Horror or Science Fiction writer but to me, he just gets it. He gets life. His best novel is Watchers. In it he writes. "Although the constant shadow of certain death looms over everyday, the pleasures and joys of life can be so fine and affecting that the heart is nearly stilled in astonishment."

I thought of that quote when I saw the geese and then thoughts of Spring and my friend Marcia crowded in as the tears flowed.

A few weeks ago Marcia lost her battle with cancer. She embraced life, ate it up and spit it out - she was a force to be reckoned with!! Last year she wistfully looked at the buds poking their heads out of the earth and said, "I'm going to miss Spring so much." While the geese enthusiastically announced their homecoming I told Marcia that I love and miss her.

Spring, the season of rebirth and renewal; such a fitting time for those of us who travel the well-trod road of food addiction. We need to spring clean our minds as well as our houses; and believe that each day is a gift that so many don't receive; then take time to find the pleasures and joys that "still us in astonishment". I assure you they're not food.

(geese photo -


  1. How beautiful and true this blog is. Many of us don't realize how precious the simple things in life are, until the end is near and sometimes, too late.
    When I lived upstairs at my house, I would see the buds start coming out on the trees, because I was close to the top of the trees, it would bring joy into my heart because I knew that Spring was on its way and the nicer weather was coming and I wouldn't be inside as much.
    When I use to be able to get down on the ground easier and garden at the house, sometimes I would lay on the ground and look at the flowers at a different angle (upside down) and oh how different they looked and still so beautiful. I would think to myself, how sad, that many people don't take the time to get a different perspective on a simple flower because they are too busy - until it is too late.
    These little things would be so much joy into my life, even though I was going through some really tough times. And it proved, it wasn't food that made me happy - it was the simple things in life that God had provided me to be able to look at, all different ways.
    Food has kept me alive to a certain degree, but it has not brought me happiness, it has brought me sorrow and pain so many times and I was the one that allowed this, I forgot to look at the simple things in life and enjoy the Spring time coming (God's gifts) and would turn to food for comfort. And, as we all know - that didn't work.
    My friend Karen will be gone 1 yr next wk and how I think about her not being her to enjoy the Spring time blossoming; but when I hear the geese, I look up toward heaven and know she is well and safe and is enjoying her own new time Spring.
    A wonderful article, my friend - Ellen; and a good reminder to turn to the simple things in life that God provides everyday for us and not the food that man provides.
    Luv ya pal. Char

  2. God bless you Char - beautiful comment and beautiful flowers last night - Love you too pal!! El
