Sunday, January 29, 2012
Pray it Off 01/27/2012 I Don't Want to Exercise Today!
I Just Don’t Want to Exercise Today—How to Stay Motivated
Pray it Off 01/27/2012 Flexible Healthy Breakfast
Healthy breakfast: Quick, flexible options to grab at home
By Mayo Clinic staff Original Article:
Pray it Off 01/27/2012 A Healthy Breakfast
What's the secret to a better breakfast? By Elaine Magee, MPH, RD WebMD Weight Loss Clinic
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Pray it Off 01/19/2012 Song - Healer of My Soul by John Michael Talbot
Healer of My Soul by John Michael Talbot
Healer of my soul
Heal me at even'
Heal me at morning
Heal me at noon
Healer of my soul
Keeper of my soul
On rough course faring
Help and safeguard my means this night
Keeper of my soul
I am tired, astray, and stumbling
Heal my soul from the snare of sin
Healer of my soul
Heal me at even'
Heal me at morning
Heal me at noon
Healer of my soul
Heal me at morning
Heal me at noon
Healer of my soul
Pray it Off 01/19/2012 How To Lose Weight By Walking in Place in Your Bedroom
How To Lose Weight By Walking In Place In Your Bedroom by Shannon Sukovaty
Weight Watchers Lowfat Taco Soup
Pray it Off 01/19/2012 Top 10 Ways to Fail at Weight Loss
Top 10 Ways to Fail at Weight Loss By Jennifer R. Scott
Pray it Off 01/19/2012 Start Your Diet
Start Your Diet Carolyn Classick-Kohn,MS, RD
Pray it Off 01/12/2012 The Benefits of Physical Exercise & WW Cabbage Soup
7 benefits of regular physical activity(From the Mayo Clinic)
Pray it Off 01/12/2012 The Benefits of a Food Log
The Top 10 Benefits of Recording What You Eat in a Food Diary -
A Food Diary: The Cheapest Diet Aid by Daniella Di Nenno
Pray it Off 01/12/2012 Body Not Interested in Weight Loss & Why Diets Fail
Body Not Interested in Weight Loss
Why Diets Fail From
Pray it Off 01/05/2012 1500 Calorie Plan
Heart Healthy Meal Plan (1500 Calorie) Non Low Carb - Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan
Pray it Off 01/05/2012 Reaching Your 2012 Weight Loss Goals
Planning, Preparation and Patience: Reaching your 2012 weight loss goalsBy Donna Anderson, Berea Food Examiner
Pray it Off 01/05/2012 The Pray it Off Rules
Without rules there is chaos!
Pray it Off (PIO)
1. Before beginning any exercise or weight loss programs Holy Family and Pray it Off insists you clear it with your physician and Pray it Off, as a prayer group, has no liability for any sports/diet related injuries or illnesses.
2. PIO is NOT a diet it is a lifestyle.
3. Motto- Eat less, move more and pray.
4. St. Pio is our intercessor.
5. Every Thursday 6:00 – 7:00 (Weigh-In Starts at 5:00 PLEASE COME EARLY).
6. At 5:58 please disband the weigh-in line.
7. Wear a name tag.
8. Donate rosaries in prayer box.
9. If you come in late (get your packet) and then quietly go to your seat.
10. Bring your Binders Weekly and Keep your Pray it Off Prayer and St. Pio Intercession HANDY as we begin and end with those prayers.
11. No Chatter During Presentations.
12. Must hand in Food Log each week.
13. Read One Bible Chapter Per Week.
14. Read complete packet when you get home.
15. Commit to Attending Weekly
16. Must call/email if you can’t attend, preferably well in advance with a good reason).
17. Confidential Group.
18. Prayer Box for Intentions/Ideas for Meetings.
19. Lending Library Cart.
20. If you use the elevator please make sure the upstairs/downstairs doors are securely shut. Park in the school lot due to Food Pantry parking.
21. Small Groups should follow the agenda and each member should try to participate. It should not break into small conversations within the group.
Pray it Off 01/05/2012 SESSION 9 - A New Year Prayer
A New Year Prayer
God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows,
we praise you for your greatness.
Thank you for the year behind us and for the year ahead.
Help us in the new year to fret less and laugh more,
to teach our children to laugh by laughing with them,
to teach others to love by loving them.
Help us to hear your love song in every sunrise,
in the chirping of sparrows in our backyard,
in the stories of old folks and the fantasies of children.
We rejoice in the world you loved into being.
Thank you for another new year and for new chances every day.
We pray for peace, for light and for hope;
we pray that we might spread them to others.
We leave the past in your hands and step out into the new year,
knowing you will go with us.
We accept your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what's ahead.
We depend on you to help us do exactly what you want.
We rejoice in Jesus' name. Amen.
Fr. Dave Casey, S.J., Chaplain to the Alumni
Pray it Off 12/22/2011 Song - O Holy Night by Josh Groban
We ended the meeting with the whole group singing Silent Night - if felt like.... Christmas!
Pray it Off 12/22/2011 Healthy Party Snacks
Healthy Party Snacks (
Pray it Off 12/22/2011 The Good Samaritan by Esther Ward
December 16, 2011 For the Love of a Neighbor by Esther Ward
27 And he answering said, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.
28 And He said to him, you have answered right: “Do this and you shall live.”
29 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his garments, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
34 And went to him, and bandaged up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35 And on the next day when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him,” Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.”
36 Which now of these three, do you think, was neighbor to him that fell among the thieves?
37 And he said, “He that showed mercy to him”. Then said Jesus to him, Go, and do likewise.
Luke 10:27-37
In the past as I’ve looked at this parable, I always thought about a physically injured person being ignored by “Christian” passer-bys and a Samaritan being a “non-Christian” comes to his rescue. I suppose I thought it didn’t have much relevance in my life; I help others and the needy when I can. However, after reading this the past couple of days, God has shown me a bit of a different perspective.
How often do we pass by people who have fallen away from the faith, or in the midst of struggles and difficulties? Or not really pay attention to what’s going on in their lives? Maybe they’ve begun hanging around people they shouldn’t, or maybe they become ill, or suffer from depression? Perhaps it’s a person who’s found out they have a terminal illness, or their spouse just walked out and left them. What do we generally do? Do we reach out to them, or do we ignore them and pass by allowing them to suffer alone like the Levite and priest in our parable?
The Samaritan goes to him and bandages up his wounds, then takes him some place safe were he can heal. He goes to him. He doesn’t wait for an invitation, or to be asked. He sees a man in trouble, and wounded who needs someone to help him out of his situation, right then, not later or when it’s convenient but then. Not just a temporary fix either, by throwing money at him, or a few scraps of food at him; but he literally goes with him and provides for him till he is well and can do for himself. Wow! Think of the impact of that? What if we all did that for those around us who needed help out of various situations? What if we acted like a neighbor instead of an accuser, or judge, and really rescued people? I don’t see even one time where the Samaritan asked him why he was in that situation… he just came to his rescue and helped him, it didn’t matter why, or how this man ended up in his predicament. Now that is the mark of true a neighbor. It exhibits Christ’s command to ‘love your neighbor’ perfectly!
Let’s remember to be more aware of those around us in our daily lives, and their needs. Not just their physical needs, but there spiritual and emotional needs as well. And not just the person who lives next door to us, but also the “neighbor” in the church pew you haven’t seen in a few weeks, or the class-mate in Sunday school who has been out for a while, or the clerk at the grocery store you go to every couple days. They are your neighbors; you should go to them if they are in need and help them, even if they don’t ask you. They may not be able to ask for help for many reasons. That doesn’t change the need however, or the fact that they need help in order to heal, and move forward with their lives.
Let’s remember to have mercy, and go lovingly and compassionately to our neighbors, helping them as Christ tells us we should.
Pray it Off 12/22/2011 Christian Joy
Christian Joy: The Lord Is Its Source BY BISHOP PAUL S. LOVERDE,1195
Christian Joy
Pray it Off 12/22/2011 Christ and Unconditional Love - UL
I said December 23rd but it was the 22nd. I also want to say that a true commitment to a healthy lifestyle was shown by the 60 people who were there THREE days before Christmas. I have such UL for the PIO peeps!!
Keep Christ in Christmas
Pray it Off 12/16/2011 - Song - Where's The Line to See Jesus? Sung by Becky Kelley
Where’s The Line To See Jesus?
Sung by Becky Kelley
Christmas time was approaching; the snow was starting to fall,
Shoppers choosing their presents, people filling the mall,
Children waiting for Santa with excitement and glee,
A little boy tugged my sweater, looked up and asked me,
Where's the line to see Jesus?
Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday,
Why don't we see Him more?
As I stood in amazement at this message profound,
I looked down to thank him, he was nowhere around.
The little boy at the mall might as well have had wings
As the tears filled my eyes, I thought I heard him sing,
2nd Chorus:
Where's the line to see Jesus?
Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday,
Why don't we see Him more?
Where's the line to see Jesus?
He was born for me.
Santa Claus brought me presents,
But Christ gave His life for me.
In the blink of an eye, at the sound of His trumpet,
We'll all stand in line at His throne.
Every knee shall bow down, every tongue will confess,
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
2nd Chorus
Where’s the line? Repeat
Pray it Off 12/16/2011 How To Beat The Holiday Weight Gain Odds
How to Beat the Holiday Weight Gain Odds From 'food pushers' to parties that tempt your senses, here's how to overcome holiday diet temptations. By Colette Bouchez
Pray it Off 12/16/2011 The Truth About Holiday Weight Gain
The truth about holiday weight gain
Pray it Off 12/16/2011 1 Corinthians 13
1 Corinthians 13
1 If I speak in human and angelic tongues* but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.a 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.b
3 If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.c
4* Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated,d 5 it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,e
6 it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.f
8* Love never fails. If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing. 9For we know partially and we prophesy partially, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.
11 When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. 12 At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.g
13* So faith, hope, love remain, these three;h but the greatest of these is love.
Pray it Off 12/08/2011 Song - Christmas Lullaby Sung by Lindsay Hirata
Christmas Lullaby sung by Lindsay Hirata from Jason Robert Brown's Songs For A New World
Piano: Ben Prince
At the meeting I played a beautiful rendition sung by my daughter Shannon Strodel but it isn't on Youtube, so for the blog I chose a wonderful rendition from Lindsay Hirata. I love this song.
Christmas Lullaby
I'll never have the power to control the land
Or conquer half the world Or claim the sun
I'll never be the kind who simply waves her hand
And has a million people do The things I wish I'd done
But in the eyes of Heaven My place is assured
I carry with me heaven's grand design
Gloria, glory, I will sing the name of the Lord
And He will make me shine
And I will be like Mother Mary With a blessing in my soul
And I will give the world my eyes So they can see
And I will be like Mother Mary With a blessing in my soul
And the future of the world inside of me
In the eyes of Heaven My place is assured
I carry with me heaven's grand design
Gloria, glory I will sing the name of the Lord
And He will make me shine
And I will be like Mother Mary With a blessing in my soul
And I will give the world my eyes So they can see
And I will be like Mother Mary
With a blessing in my soul
And the future of the world inside of me
And I will be like Mother Mary With the power in my veins
To believe in all the things I've yet to be
And I will be like Mother Mary
And I'll suffer any pains
For the future of the world
For the future of the world
Inside of me...
Pray it Off 12/08/2011 Holiday Eating and Winter Exercise
A Survival Guide to Holiday Eating by Gay Riley, MS, RD, CCN
10 Eating Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season From UCLA/Education
Preventing Winter Weight Gain (From 24 Hour Fitness)
Cold Weather Walking
Low-Fat Thumbprint Cookies
Pray it Off 12/08/2011 Keep the Christ in Christmas
What I remember most about this meeting is that after I gave this presentation, I asked the group if anyone had anything to share about, "keeping the Christ in Christmas", and for the next 15 minutes, one after the other, told of the most amazing family and personal traditions - we were all moved - I'll never forget it.
10 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas By Mary Fairchild, Guide
Friday, January 20, 2012
Pray it Off 12/01/2011 Procrastination, Low Fat Turkey Soup, Winter Exercises
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~Don Marquis
Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. ~Author Unknown
Every duty which is bidden to wait returns with seven fresh duties at its back. ~Charles Kingsley
The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up. ~Author Unknown
If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. ~Author Unknown
Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley
There are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back. ~Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister
It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. ~Earl of Chesterfield
The two rules of procrastination: 1) Do it today. 2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. ~Author Unknown
One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow. ~Vincent T. Foss
You may delay, but time will not. ~Benjamin Franklin
Someday is not a day of the week. ~Author Unknown
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. ~Eva Young
Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. ~C. Northcote Parkinson, 1958
Procrastination is opportunity's assassin. ~Victor Kiam
If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~Olin Miller
What may be done at any time will be done at no time. ~Scottish Proverb
There's nothing to match curling up with a good book when there's a repair job to be done around the house. ~Joe Ryan
Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow. ~Gerald Vaughan
The best way to get something done is to begin. ~Author Unknown
You know you are getting old when it takes too much effort to procrastinate. ~Author Unknown
I do my work at the same time each day - the last minute. ~Author Unknown
Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. ~Spanish Proverb
The time to begin most things is ten years ago. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible. ~George Claude Lorimer
Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fools reform. ~Edward Young
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. ~Mark Twain
Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man. ~Jimmy Lyons
A year from now you may wish you had started today. ~Karen Lamb
Winter Exercises: Five Tips for a Fun, Feel-Good & Fit Winter!
Pray it Off 12/01/2011 Procrastination
Procrastination (from Calpoly student services)
Pray it Off 11/17/2011 Song - Gratitude by Nicole Nordeman
Dedicated to Esther Uhler.
GRATITUDE by Nicole Nordeman
Send some rain, would You send some rain? 'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud? Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid
But maybe not, not today Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You With gratitude For lessons learned in how to thirst for You How to bless the very sun that warms our face If You never send us rain
Daily bread, give us daily bread Bless our bodies, keep our children fed Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight Wrap us up and warm us through Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time Or maybe not, not today Maybe You'll provide in other ways And if that's the case . .
We'll give thanks to You With gratitude A lesson learned to hunger after You That a starry sky offers a better view if no roof is overhead
And if we never taste that bread
Oh, the differences that often are between
Everything we want and what we really need
So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
If You never grant us peace
But Jesus, would You please . . .
Pray it Off 11/17/2011 A Thanksgiving Prayer
Since we were unable to videotape this years reading of the prayer - I'm showing the one that was recorded last year. So thankful! Thank you God for all my blessings and for your love.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
By Ellen M. McCauley
Dear Lord,
Hi, it’s me again. This might surprise you, but I decided that for just one day I’m not going to ask you for anything; not for me and not for anyone else either. I know this doesn’t sound like the me you know, and love, but I thought it was about time I took stock of everything you’ve already given me, and Thanksgiving seems a good day to do that.
I think I’ll start by thanking you for life itself; for making only one me, unique, unlike anyone who is or ever was. When I stop to think, that really is something Lord, it makes me value all life even more.
Thank you for my parents. I know no one is perfect but they always did the best they could; words fail when I try to express my feelings for them. As a matter of fact I’m grateful for my entire family – those who are living and those who are with you now. I think I understand why you had your son be part of a human family, for everything I know about love, I first learned at home.
I don’t know what my life would be like without the friends you’ve sent my way. I have laughed with them, sobbed with them, even hated them at times, but ultimately have loved them so very much – we’ve seen it all together – they’ve energized and soothed me, and each and every one has enriched me in their own special way.
I have loved my country even when it wasn’t the thing to do. I can’t thank you enough for America - truly the home of the brave. I will forever appreciate the priceless gift of life, which so many gave, so that I could live in freedom.
And speaking of freedom, thank you for free will. I think I finally understand why you gave us choice. Love has meaning when we choose to give it freely. You want us to choose to do right, choose to love you and choose to believe, even when the path isn’t always clear and we don’t understand your plan for us. I guess that’s what faith is.
I’m grateful for my church, the religious and the countless parishioners who unselfishly do so much for so many. I rejoice in the music that praises you and I feel your presence as you touch and nourish me.
Thank you too for the simple gifts that mean so much; a winning team, good music, hot showers, clean sheets, a book too good to put down, hot cocoa when there’s three feet of snow, spaghetti and meatballs, turkey and stuffing, loved ones around a table, the kindness of strangers, a faithful pet. Oh, I can’t forget good health either.
But most of all I am grateful that you loved me enough to send your son, your only son, to die and rise again, so that I might have forgiveness and everlasting life in paradise with you and with all those who I have loved with every fiber of my being. I am stronger, even in the face of darkness, because I know that this is true.
Lord, before I end would it be all right if I changed my mind and asked you for just one thing today? Could you please remind me, for as time goes by I fear I might forget, to be thankful always, and not for just one day?

A Thanksgiving Prayer
By Ellen M. McCauley
Dear Lord,
Hi, it’s me again. This might surprise you, but I decided that for just one day I’m not going to ask you for anything; not for me and not for anyone else either. I know this doesn’t sound like the me you know, and love, but I thought it was about time I took stock of everything you’ve already given me, and Thanksgiving seems a good day to do that.
I think I’ll start by thanking you for life itself; for making only one me, unique, unlike anyone who is or ever was. When I stop to think, that really is something Lord, it makes me value all life even more.
Thank you for my parents. I know no one is perfect but they always did the best they could; words fail when I try to express my feelings for them. As a matter of fact I’m grateful for my entire family – those who are living and those who are with you now. I think I understand why you had your son be part of a human family, for everything I know about love, I first learned at home.
I don’t know what my life would be like without the friends you’ve sent my way. I have laughed with them, sobbed with them, even hated them at times, but ultimately have loved them so very much – we’ve seen it all together – they’ve energized and soothed me, and each and every one has enriched me in their own special way.
I have loved my country even when it wasn’t the thing to do. I can’t thank you enough for America - truly the home of the brave. I will forever appreciate the priceless gift of life, which so many gave, so that I could live in freedom.
And speaking of freedom, thank you for free will. I think I finally understand why you gave us choice. Love has meaning when we choose to give it freely. You want us to choose to do right, choose to love you and choose to believe, even when the path isn’t always clear and we don’t understand your plan for us. I guess that’s what faith is.
I’m grateful for my church, the religious and the countless parishioners who unselfishly do so much for so many. I rejoice in the music that praises you and I feel your presence as you touch and nourish me.
Thank you too for the simple gifts that mean so much; a winning team, good music, hot showers, clean sheets, a book too good to put down, hot cocoa when there’s three feet of snow, spaghetti and meatballs, turkey and stuffing, loved ones around a table, the kindness of strangers, a faithful pet. Oh, I can’t forget good health either.
But most of all I am grateful that you loved me enough to send your son, your only son, to die and rise again, so that I might have forgiveness and everlasting life in paradise with you and with all those who I have loved with every fiber of my being. I am stronger, even in the face of darkness, because I know that this is true.
Lord, before I end would it be all right if I changed my mind and asked you for just one thing today? Could you please remind me, for as time goes by I fear I might forget, to be thankful always, and not for just one day?

Pray it Off 11/17/2011 Gratitude and Weight Loss
There are no videos for this week's blog. My husband Bob, the first Pray It Off member and blog videographer, was unable to make the meeting. His beloved Mom, Esther Uhler, passed away, unexpectedly in Maiden North Carolina. After many tears, and much discussion, we decided he would fly down to the services and I would stay in Syracuse.
I held the weekly meeting as usual and we talked about how gratitude can help us in our weight loss efforts. It was a fitting topic. Bob and I are so grateful for the gift of his mother and I know my mother-in-law was so happy that Bob and I were getting, and staying, healthy.
I'll see you on the other side Mom Uhler and until then I want you to look up our Pray it Off pals, Steve, Jim, Gabe and Joe - great guys who we miss and love.
Cultivating Gratitude - The Benefits of Gratitude for Stress ReliefGratitude: A Habit Worth Maintaining! By Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Practicing Gratitude - Why being thankful is the secret to a happier, healthier life. By Joan Borysenko, PhD
Simple Abundance "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie
The Importance of Gratitude in Weight Loss - JoLynn Braley
Avoiding Thanksgiving Weight Gain
Don't let the holiday wreck your weight loss goals By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD
I held the weekly meeting as usual and we talked about how gratitude can help us in our weight loss efforts. It was a fitting topic. Bob and I are so grateful for the gift of his mother and I know my mother-in-law was so happy that Bob and I were getting, and staying, healthy.
I'll see you on the other side Mom Uhler and until then I want you to look up our Pray it Off pals, Steve, Jim, Gabe and Joe - great guys who we miss and love.
Cultivating Gratitude - The Benefits of Gratitude for Stress ReliefGratitude: A Habit Worth Maintaining! By Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Practicing Gratitude - Why being thankful is the secret to a happier, healthier life. By Joan Borysenko, PhD
Simple Abundance "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie
The Importance of Gratitude in Weight Loss - JoLynn Braley
Avoiding Thanksgiving Weight Gain
Don't let the holiday wreck your weight loss goals By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD
Pray it Off 11/10/2011 Portion Tips for Dieters & Pizza
Just Enough For You – About Food Portions from the Weight Control Information Network – WIN*
7 Portion Control Tips For Dieters –
Portion Size Guide
Pepperoni, Onion, and Olive Pizza
Pray it Off 11/10/2011 Portion Sizes & Control
Making Sense of Portion Sizes From
Portion Control and Weight Loss From
Pray it Off 11/03/2011 Go Figure Gym Syracuse, NY Dawnmarie Raymond Guest Speaker ZUMBA!
Zumba Taught Me to Ditch the Workout and Join the Party,,20412060,00.html
Pray it Off 10/27/2011 Making Time To Exercise, Egg White Omelet, The Prayer Diet
Making Time to Exercise
Herbed Egg White and Spinach Omelet By Fiona Haynes at
The Prayer Diet
Pray it Off 10/27/2011 The Behavior Chain & Playing Mental Volleyball
The Behavior Chain Diagram
Playing Mental Volleyball
Pray it Off 10/27/2011 Key to Successful Weight Loss - PLANNING & The Mindful Meal
The Key To Successful Weight Loss: Planning* By Tim Harlan MD
Mastering The Mindful Meal* Stephanie Vangsness, R.D., L.D.N., C.N.S.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Pray it Off 10/20/2011 Food Cravings, T'ai Chi Chih & Low Fat Apple Crisp
Need Chocolate Bad? - Why food cravings control you. by DOREEN VIRTUE
T'ai Chi Chih Exercise without breaking a sweat by: Roselee Blooston
Pray it Off 10/20/2011 Self-Hatred and Seize the Present Moment!
Self-Hatred and Self-Criticism by Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.
Seize the Present Moment! A future vision of promise by DR. FRANK J. KINSLOW Forgiving old wounds and moving on.
“Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?”
Matthew 6:25
Pray it Off 10/20/2011 Self-Love
Love Yourself First - Choosing to live in joy. by CHERYL RICHARDSON AND LOUISE L. HAY
Self-Love and the Sense of Well-Being by Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.
Pray it Off 10/13/2011 Maureen Mastine CSJ T'ai Chi Chih Mindful Movement
Thanks to Maureen Mastine CSJ for discussing discussing Mindful Movement with the Syracuse Pray it Off group. She discusses T'ai Chi Chih which "is a series of 19 gentle movements that circulate and balance the chi in our bodies. The movements promote serenity and a greater sense of well being along with the improvement in balance and health benefits."
Thank you Sister Maureen!
Pray It Off 10/13/2011 Dr. Liz Maloney Counselor and Life Coach MINDFULNESS
Dr. Liz Maloney continues, discussing the concepts of mindfulness, living in the present and thought management. Powerful tools in the battle to live a healthy lifestyle.
Pray it Off 10/13/2011 Dr. Liz Maloney Counselor and Life Coach Guest Speaker
The Pray it Off Group, in Syracuse NY, welcomes Liz Maloney Counselor and Life Coach - 34 years specializing in women and adolescent girls. Please call 315-488-9664 CEO Office Building 4914 W. Genesee Street, Camillus NY 13031
Liz Maloney has a Doctorate in Psychology, a CAS and Masters in Counseling and a BS in education. She is also a Nationally Credited Life Coach, a NYS Certified Conflict mediator, and a NYS certified prevention professional. Liz offers both individual and group settings.
In her practice she identifies the goals her patients seek to pursue i.e.
1. Become more clear about self emotions, values etc.
2. Become more self-accepting and self compassionate
3. Deal more effectively with stressful situations
4. Deal more effectively with relationship issues
5. Identify personal strengths
Tonight she talks to us about PIMS - The Path Into Mindful Self-Compassion.
Thank you Liz!!
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