Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Three W's of Weight Loss

I was at one of my son's lacrosse games and instead of sitting down I was stepping side to side (as I am wont to do) and another Mother said, "Are you cold?" And I said, "No, I have to get my 10,000 steps in and I'm behind." I hear laughter behind me and I turned to find the smiling face of another lacrosse Mom, Jane, who had her dog on a leash.

Since she thought I was funny, I decided to make her one of my new best friends. We got to talking about weight loss and I told her my credo of "Eat Less, Move More and Pray." And she said she had her own credo. "Water, Walking and Worship." I told her, "I LOVED IT" and got her permission to use it in my blog.

Water is critical to losing weight and maintaining it. "All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost our metabolic rate. Water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster. Some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving fluid. As most food contains some water, if one doesn't drink much they may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply however, you also gain the undesired effects of increased calorie consumption. Drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss."* You almost never find me without my water. I am addicted to it now which in my book is a good addiction.

Walking, for me, is the perfect exercise. No equipment, no gym membership; it's something I can do any time and any place. I made a goal of 10,000 steps or 5 miles a day and almost every day I hit that goal. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment besides the health benefits. My new friend Jane, loves to walk her dog. I love to walk with a buddy and yak and yuck it up. The time and distance goes by so much faster. It's nice weather, finally, so strap on those sneaks and GET WALKING!!

The last W - Worship can mean so many things to so many people. For us Catholics it means the celebration of the Mass. I used to think that going to church once a week and praying a few times was enough but over the past two and almost one half years I have tried to incorporate "worship" into my daily life.

It ain't easy being a "good Christian". Just yesterday I said to my husband. "How could Jesus be such a great person?" Then, I answered my own question, "Well, I guess being God helps!"

I am not prone to jealously but cloistered nuns and monks eek out a little envy in me. Ahhh, to lock myself away and pray and worship God all day!! Nirvana. But alas, I have to try to worship and live life at the same time. Most of us do. One thing that has helped me is that "unceasing prayer" St. Paul recommended.

Instead of turning to the chips and sundaes, I say, "Jesus I Trust In You." or ask the Blessed Virgin to help. The Saints are there to intercede for us and I like to seek out ones I think aren't as busy as the rest. St. Dymphna is one of my favorites. She is the Patron Saint of Nervous and Mental Disorders and I like to think she has a special spot for those of us with food problems.

Thank you Jane for "The Three W's", if anyone has any other credo's for long term weight loss please feel free to add a comment.

Embracing a NEW WAY OF LIFE for THE REST OF OUR LIVES means constantly looking for any thing that can help sustain it.

I am open and ready to learn. How about you?



  1. Thanks for sharing your tips.Thanks to PIO I am trying to walk and have only gotten up to 1 mile which may seem like a tiny hill of beans to some, but is monumental for me. Yay! However, I find one huge factor is T-I-M-E, no matter how I set my priorities, there just aren;t enough hours in a day.Ordinary 'Life' gets in the way. Perhaps if I trained for sprinting I could do several miles. LOL!
    Little by little..I am improving, nevertheless.

    One times I volunteer as extern at a cloistered monastery and the nuns do have set times for prayer throughout the day, but..boy! do they work..manual labor..gardens, shoveling snow, housekeeping, office work,kitchen, tending animals...even THEY wish they could pray all day!

  2. That's what I'm talking about - prayer AND great exercise! NIRVANA!!!!

  3. C@#10 has it right! You HAVE to set aside some time for prayer each day just like exercise. I do better at the prayer than exercise. For me the first cup of morning coffee is my Jesus and scripture time. Sometimes it's only 15 minutes but getting there before the house wakes up is the key.

  4. Pray it Off is an answerto prayer! I've been searching for something which uses our Catholic faith to help lose weight and I was so glad to stumble accross this on the net. God love you, Ellen for starting this. I know so many more Catholics must be so happy to have this encouragement too.
