Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pray it Off 02/02/2012 Esther Ward Be Still and Seeking Perfection

Be Still Esther Ward

Be still and know that I am God; He will be exalted among the nations; He will be exalted in the earth. Ps 46:10

Being still. As a child, having the time to just be still was something I always took for granted. Now, as an adult I find it very difficult to find the time to just be still. The busyness of life so often prevents it. It’s funny, I find that the times I need to be still the most, are the times when it is the most difficult, if not impossible to do. These busy, crazy times are when it so important to make the time to just be still. I think about my impatience to get things done, and my hurriedness to get somewhere and I wonder, “How on earth do I make time to for that with this busy schedule?”

God tell us that if we are still however, we will know that He is God. These quiet times with the Lord are most important; this is when God has the opportunity to speak back to us. In our busyness, it is hard for Him to give us wisdom, direction, hope, well… anything if we don’t listen.

Not only will we Know that He is God, we will see Him high and lifted up if we take the time out to spend with Him. What a great privilege we have to see the result of God’s work in our lives, in the lives of others, and even in other parts of the world! How awesome to see His mighty hand at work and be able recognize that it was Him! Without that stillness each day, we will miss seeing where He has been, and what He has done.

Let’s make being still with God a priority in our lives so that we can know Him better and see Him exalted.

Seeking Perfection Esther Ward

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

If this is true, why do we as flawed human beings, still strive for perfection? Why don’t we accept our own human failing’s, and the failings of others more graciously? It was quite a shocker for me, when I realized that I really can’t do everything right. I don’t know about you, but many things I do never seem to be good enough. I fail to reach my own personal standard every day.

I have also disappointed other people in the process. As hard as I try to please everyone, I find that I just can’t. I always seem to mess up. Knowing that about myself, I work very hard at forgiving others, and not being offended when others mess up and disappoint me. I realize I’m imperfect, and so are others, so that usually makes it fairly easy. I have discovered however, that other people are not quite as forgiving. That means remembering to focus on Christ, and what He thinks, and not be concerned with the judgements of others.

How grateful I am to know that while we ALL fall short of God’s glory, He doesn’t condemn us for our failings and mistakes. If we confess, repent, and are in Christ, according to Romans 8:1, “there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

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