Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pray It Off Meeting April 29, 2010 Benefits of Iodine/3 D's For Diet Success/Shrimp Stir Fry/Song/Group Prayer

Health Benefits of Iodine
(DISCUSS with your Physician BEFORE Starting Any Supplements)

Iodine is an essential trace element that is essential for the normal growth and development. Around 60% of the iodine in the body is stored in the thyroid gland. The health benefits of iodine play a very important role in the normal functioning of the thyroid glands, which secretes thyroid hormones that control the basic metabolic rate of the body.

Iodine controls the functioning of thyroid glands in human body, which in turn has a significant influence on the metabolic processes in the body. The health benefits of iodine help in the optimum utilization of calories thereby preventing its storage as excess fats. Other benefits of iodine are removal of toxins from the body and assistance for the system in utilizing calcium and silicon.

Deficiency symptoms: Deficiency of iodine can have serious effects. The symptoms of iodine deficiency include frustration, depression, mental retardation, poor perception levels, goiter, abnormal weight gain, decreased fertility, coarse skin, chances of still birth in expectant mothers, constipation and fatigue. In severe cases mental retardation associated with diseases such as cretinism, characterized by serious physical malformations, could be the result. According to WHO reports, iodine deficiency is one of the leading causes of mental retardation all over.

Important Sources: Iodine is present in large quantities in both marine plant and animals, including shellfish, white deep-water fish, and brown seaweed kelp, which can absorb iodine from sea water. Make sure to include abundant quantities of canned sardines, canned tuna, lobster, oyster, clams, cod, haddock, halibut, herring perch, salmon, sea bass, and shrimp. Dulse, kelp, and seaweed also contain dietary iodine. Garlic, lima beans, Swiss chard, summer squash, sesame seeds, soybeans, turnip greens and spinach are rich in iodine. Iodized salt is another important source of iodine. Bakers add iodine to bread dough as a stabilizing agent.

Benefits: Iodine is required to ensure proper development and metabolism in human beings. Some of its benefits include:
• Metabolic rates: Iodine influences the functioning of thyroid glands by assisting in production of hormones, which are directly responsible for controlling the basic metabolic rate. The hormones, like thyroxin and triodothyronine, influence heart rate, blood pressure, body weight and temperature. The body maintains the BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) with the help of these hormones, which also helps in protein synthesis.
• Energy level: It also plays an important role in maintaining optimum energy levels of the body by ensuring optimum utilization of calories, without allowing them to be deposited as excess fats.
• Healthy nails, hair and teeth: The health benefits of iodine include formation of healthy and shiny skin, teeth and hair. Iodine is an important element for haircare as lack of this mineral can result in hair loss. Moreover, it also aids hair growth.
• Reproductive system: Iodine helps in the normal growth and maturity of reproductive organs. Sufficient quantity of iodine in pregnant women is essential to prevent still births or neurocognitive conditions like cretinism in the babies. It also ensures proper movement and growth, along with speech and hearing in babies.
• Fibrocystic disease: Iodine can significantly reduce conditions like fibrosis, turgidity and breast tenderness. Iodine acts as a relief for fibrocystic diseases and is widely used even in therapies.
• Iodine programmed cell death: Iodine ensures the apoptosis or the programmed cell death which is essential in the formation of new organs as well as in the removal of malignant cells like cancer cells or diseased cells, which might prove harmful to the individual.
• Anti-cancer properties: Probably, the most important health benefits of iodine apart from thyroidal influence are its anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that cancer cells when administered with iodine shrink.
• Iodine removes toxic chemicals: Iodine can flush out chemical toxins like fluoride, lead, mercury etc., apart from biological toxins and can strengthen immune system. It also prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the stomach.
• Thyroid and Goiter disorders: Iodine deficiency is the basic cause of Goiter as widely known. You can have eggs, salt, sea food, dairy products to facilitate the reduction of iodine deficiency which works as a cure for enlarged thyroid gland.

Iodine overdose of more than 2,000 mg could be dangerous especially in people suffering from kidney ailments or tuberculosis. When taken in excess it might result in thyroid papillary cancer. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should be cautious not to take iodine more than the prescribed dosage.

This article was contributed by Seema Adnani

List of Foods Rich in Iodine

Iodine is unique among minerals as it is an essential ingredient in hormones. It acts on the hormones of the thyroid gland, which control the body's activity rate, growth and development and the healthiness of skin and hair.

Iodine's role is confined to producing the hormone thyroxine. About two-thirds of the body's iodine is in the thyroid gland, while the remainder is in the hormone itself. If there is too much thyroxine the body's activity rate - its basal metabolism - speeds up; if there is too little, the body's activity rate slows down. If we do not get enough iodine in our diet, the thyroid gland becomes swollen and the swelling appears just below the jaw. The enlargement of the gland is called goitre, and is common in areas where the soil is iodine-deficient.
Haddock, Cod, Eggs, Cheddar Cheese, Sea Kelp, Seaweed, Fresh Fish, Iodized Salt
What if you're not getting the mineral Iodine from rich foods?

A deficiency of iodine will lead to goitre; this is the condition tends to appear during puberty or pregnancy. People with goitre become lethargic and sensitive to cold; they tend to gain weight and their skin becomes coarse. When there are inadequate thyroxine levels, a condition called hypothyroidism occurs. Symptoms here are puffiness around the eyes, sparse and course hair, course and dry skin and memory impairment.

Who Needs Iodine?
Everyone needs iodine to produce thyroxine, but the signs of deficiency are easy to spot and treatment can be given. Those more at risk are women at puberty, pregnant women and children. There has been a suggestion that women in low iodine areas, are more prone to womb cancer. Some foods contain excessive levels of the minerals manganese and cobalt which interfere with the thyroid gland, extracting iodine. If you are in the habit of eating large amounts of raw cabbage you must ensure you are also getting sufficient iodine.

Some dieters believe that they struggle with their body weight because of an under active thyroid gland, this is possible, however, in most cases it has been found that they were simply ingesting too many calories and not active enough!

The 3 D's for Success with Diet and Exercise

By Patrick Birmingham

So you want to lose weight and/or get back into shape, but you just can't seem to do it. You just can't find the time with having a job, school or family. By the time you get home from work you are too tired. You created a plan to exercise and diet, got started, but after a few days, you went right back to your old habits. You quickly got discouraged because you didn’t see any improvements.

Well I'm here to tell you, you are not alone. You are the typical person. So what's the solution? The solution is; you first have to obtain the 3 rules of success! The first rule to success is "DESIRE". If you want to be a doctor, an athlete, an entrepreneur, an actor/actress, a good mate, a good employee, a good parent, or whatever, you first have to want it.

If you don't want to be a doctor, you will not become a doctor. If you tell yourself, it would be nice to be a doctor, but you don't pursue it, then you never wanted to be a doctor. But if you have the "strong" desire to be a doctor, guess what, you will become a doctor. You will do whatever it takes to become a doctor.

The initial reason why so many people fail to diet and exercise is because they don't have a strong desire. If the desire isn’t there, you will never become successful. It's unfortunate that when a serious health issue arises, that's when most people obtain the strong desire. But most times, it's way too late. It's difficult for someone that had a heart attack to suddenly try to get in shape.

The second function of success is "DISCIPLINE". To be successful in anything, takes discipline. You have to do "it" day-in and day-out usually with a lot of effort and work. You can’t do it for a few days and then stop. Back to our doctor example; if you want to be a doctor, you can’t take a few courses and stop. You can’t study for one exam and stop. You can’t go to a few classes and stop. You have to hit the books, day-in and day-out for years to be a successful doctor.

Discipline is needed to diet and exercise. It’s a permanent lifestyle change. You can’t diet and exercise for a few weeks or months then stop and go back to your old ways. This is why diets don’t work. Diets are temporary. Many people, diet, lose weight, and then return to their old habits. Most of the times they gain back the weight they lost and more!

The third function of success is "DETERMINATION". You have to be determined to never give up. No matter what it takes, you will be successful. Even when things look bleak, you never give up. You realize that life is a series of events that have hills and valleys. When you are going up the hill, appreciate it and enjoy it. However, when you are going down the hill, you have the determination to ride until you hit bottom because you know that the upside will be coming.

The umbrella to DESIRE, DISCIPLINE and DETERMINATION is ATTITUDE. You have to believe in yourself. I read before a research study about what traits successful people have. After analyzing hundreds of successful people, (success being whatever they wanted to be successful in) the only thing they found that these people had in common was that they all had a positive attitude, which meant they all had the DESIRE, DISCIPLINE and DETERMINATION to be successful.

So the questions for you are:

1. Do you have the Desire to diet and exercise?
2. Do you have the Discipline to diet and exercise?
3. Do you have the Determination to diet and exercise?

If you don’t, you will have to change your attitude. Make diet and exercise the most important thing in your life. More important than your job, your money or your material possessions! However, realize that you will have to permanently change your lifestyle to attain this. Discipline yourself to do it. And no matter what, be determined to be successful! Follow these 3 rules and I guarantee you success.

Shrimp Stir Fry

1 lb raw medium shrimp , unpeeled
1 eggs , lightly beaten
3 egg whites , lightly beaten
1 cooking spray
2 tsp vegetable oil
1 cup fresh chopped green onion
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup fresh chopped celery
1 medium garlic cloves , minced
1 cup Peas, green, sweet, frozen , thawed
4 cup cooked long grain brown rice (without salt or fat)
2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt

1 Peel and devein shrimp, coarsely chop, and set aside.
2 Combine egg and egg whites; set aside.
3 Coat a wok or a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray, drizzle with oil, and heat on medium-high until hot. Add shrimp; stir-fry 2-3 minutes or until shrimp turns pink. Remove from wok/skillet and set aside.
4 Add green onions and next 3 ingredients to wok/skillet and stir-fry 3 minutes or until tender. Add egg mixture, stirring gently until set. Add peas, and stir-fry 2 minutes. Add rice, and stir-fry 2 minutes. Add cooked shrimp, soy sauce, and salt, and stir-fry until thoroughly heated.
Additional Information
Make the brown rice in advance and chill in refrigerator so it doesn't clump together.
Makes 8servings

Amount Per Serving

Calories 226.5
Protein 18.9 g
Sodium 313.2 mg

Two Hands by Jars of Clay

I’ve been living out of sanity
I’ve been splitting hairs and blurring lines
I am a house that is divided
In my heart and in my mind

CHORUS: I use one hand to pull closer
The other to push you away
If I had two hands doing the same thing
Lifted high, lifted high

I have a broken disposition
I’m a liar who thirsts for the truth
And while I ache for faith to hold me
I need to feel the scars and see the proof


And if we just keep digging we can reach the foundation
Of our souls
And if we just keep cutting all the chains from our hearts
We’ll lose control

And it feels like giving in
It feels like starting over
It feels like waking up, and you know it’s coming
It feels like a brand new day
Open your eyes
If I had two hands doing the same thing
Lifted high, lifted High (repeat)

April 29, 2010

• Come up with five concrete ways you can provide support for your Table Mates and hand in to Ellen tonight.
• Discuss what you can do for just one day (diet and exercise) and pick next Wednesday to put these ideas in effect.
• Do you feel like giving up on weight loss? Can you persevere? How?
• Do you have Desire, Discipline and Determination in your weight loss efforts? How do you get them?
• How many times a week do you dine out? Do you eat more when you eat out? How can you handle this area better?
• Say the Hail Mary to Close the Group.

“Whether you eat or drink…do it all for the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10-31

1 comment:

  1. Great! I'm enjoying your blog. Here's a thyroid article that I found especially help (hypothyroidism):
