Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pray it Off 04/14/2011 The Right Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life

The Right Questions By Debbie Ford: Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life*By Kathy Lindberg


• Our day-to-day lives are the result of our past decisions.
• Looking at the choices we make leads to a better understanding of how we created our present reality
• We make many choices everyday, but do we make them wisely?

As Debbie Ford points out, "It is easy to forget that the circumstances of our day-to-day lives are the result of the decisions we made yesterday, last month, last year…" It's not always easy to admit that we create our life circumstances because of the choices we make.
But the good news is, we can create the life we want if we are willing to look at those choices and ask the ten essential questions that Ford lays out in this book. By asking the right questions we are able to uncover our true motivations and move towards creating the destiny we truly want.

1. Will This Choice Propel Me Toward an Inspiring Future or Will It Keep Me Stuck in the Past?

Do you realize that every choice you make either leads you towards a fulfilling future or towards a limiting past? Making choices towards your true passions energizes and excites you, propelling you through your days. However, choosing from fear keeps you tied to the past. Clinging to the familiar often breeds a fear that your dreams won't really come true and fear will keep you from moving forward.

2. Will This Choice Bring Me Long-Term Fulfillment or Will It Bring Me Short-Term Gratification?

Do you long to create an inspiring future? I think most of us do, but get sidetracked by everyday commitments and chores. By asking yourself this question before choosing what to spend your time doing, you are able to recognize choices that will keep you on the path of your dreams vs. those that will distract your from that path.

3. Am I Standing in My Power or Am I Trying to Please Another?

Each and every one of us has an innate ability to know what is in our highest and best interest. However, we often don't trust or recognize that knowledge. The result, we give our power away to others and let them decide what is best for us.

4. Am I Looking for What is Right or Am I Looking for What is Wrong?

This powerful question has the ability to change a moment of despair to a moment of great delight. Being able to see the good in every situation and every person allows us to be open to life's gifts. As well, we feel strong and worthy as opposed to feeling wrong and bad when looking for what's wrong in any situation or person.

5. Will This Choice Add to My Life Force or Will It Rob Me of My Energy?
Life without our life force is no life at all. It is this force that is the vital energy, life breath, of us as human beings. By making choices, that nurture this energy we are choosing life, we are choosing to move forward rather than choosing to constrict and die.

6. Will I Use This Situation as a Catalyst to Grow and Evolve or Will I Use It to Beat Myself Up?

Hardship is a part of life and we have all experienced it. But it is how we choose to view such hardships that either move us forward or keep us stuck. Turning emotional wounds into opportunities for greater understanding and growth is central to this important question.

7. Does This Choice Empower Me or Does It Disempower Me?

Empowerment leads to deep inner knowing. One feels strong and alive and moves boldly through life. Empowerment opens us to higher levels of consciousness and states where pure love is endless. Making choices that disempower you, however leaves you feeling insecure and fearful. Which type of choice will move you towards the realization of your dreams?

8. Is This an Act of Self-Love or Is It an Act of Self-Sabatoge?

Self-love may be one of the most difficult tasks we have as humans. When we allow ourselves to love and respect ourselves we have peace of mind, balance and tranquility. We also have the confidence to ask for what we want out of life. Choosing self-love allows us to claim our greatness and make choices you feel good about.

9. Is This an Act of Faith or Is It an Act of Fear?

Every choice is either one of faith or one of fear. Faith based choices open doors to our future. We are able to view the world from a higher perspective and trust in things we cannot see, feel, or know. Choosing from a place of fear, on the other hand, keeps us rooted in the past. We become trapped and repeat old patterns and the danger of missed opportunities is abundant. We are stuck.

10. Am I Choosing from My Divinity or Am I Choosing from My Humanity?

Simply put, can my choices lift me out of my smallness as an individual into a place where you have the wisdom and power to transcend any human struggle?

This book is a quick yet powerful read. Ford's use of case study examples from everyday life and her own coaching career quickly engage the reader into a deeply powerful understanding of our choices and how they can either propel us toward a rewarding and fulfilling future, or keep us bound to stagnant past.


PHOTO: wsa.wesleyan.edu

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