Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pray It Off 04/01/11 Letting Go Affirmations

We talk a lot at Pray it Off, about "Letting Go." So much of our overeating is based on hanging on to the past or on to present situations that we should be turning over to God.

Our group in Syracuse NY, meets each Thursday night and we are divided into nine tables. A while back, each table, wrote down their ideas for
"Letting Go Affirmations". These are statements we can use as mantras to help us in our weight loss journey. We'd like to share them with you in this blog.

The Pray it Off Group Shares Their
Letting Go Affirmations

1. I refuse to dream of the future before I start living in the present.

2. I refuse to live with my old habits.

3. I will not worry about something I can do nothing about.

4. I will try to remember to surrender when life becomes too hard to handle, even if I have to go to a special place to surrender.

5. I will meditate on the natural beauty of the world around me.

6. I will let go of the frustration I feel when other people try to control me.

7. I will let go of past memories that bring regrets.

8. I will stop reliving mistakes, trying to change them in my mind.

9. I will succeed. I will succeed. I will SUCCEED!

10. I don’t need that salt-filled snack. I choose not to have it.

11. I don’t need that fatty food. I choose not to eat it.

12. I am at peace.

13. I let go of my fears of not being perfect.

14. I say good-bye to “stinkin’ thinkin’!

15. I let go of unrealistic expectations.

16. I will not sweat the small stuff.


1 comment:

  1. Let God do the worrying for you :) and trust in Him while He does it. Worring about it isn't going to change the outcome anyway.
