Not Forgotten. NEVER Dedicated to the Veterans of the Korean War 50th Anniversary 2001 By Ellen M. McCauley
He’s an Usher at our Church;
Has never missed a week.
Walks stiff-legged down the aisles,
Guiding faithful to their seats.
Lingering behind the flock,
I said hello one day.
Then I kindly asked him how
He had come to walk that way.
Touched by my inquiry
He stared off into space
“I’m one of the “Chosin Few”,
Would be dead but for God’s grace.
You probably don’t remember,
Were born a little late.
Korea is forgotten.
Never dreamed that’d be our fate.”
“NO, I never will forget
What men like you have done.
Duty, honor, weren’t just words,
Meant life and death, at Chosin.
There are so many like me,
Who bless you every day;
With hearts up-turned to heaven,
We thank God for you and pray.
Korea’s not forgotten
Though fifty years’ve, gone by,
Since you risked your precious life
And so many others died.”
He could not hide the wonder
From showing in his eyes
“How does a woman your age
Know about Chosin, he cried?”
“My fathers’ bedtime stories
Were ones I loved the best.
A Leatherneck, he nightly,
Told me of his greatest test.
Twelve thousand U.S. Marines
Encircled on all sides
Sixty Thousand enemies
Freezing, snow and no supplies.
They just would not surrender.
Would not desert their friends.
“RETREAT, HELL NO”, not ever
Fighting to the bitter end.
You’re not forgotten. NEVER!”
I took his hand in mine.
“I want to thank you proper”
Then I hugged him for a time.
“You’ve made an old man happy”
Then turning from that place.
His smile never wavered,
As the tears streamed down his face.